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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Closing Starts a New Relationship: Keeping in Positive Touch

The all important Close of Escrow date means many different things for those involved: home possession, funds transferred, commissions, sales report updates...the list goes on detailing closing-related events.
COE is the beginning of a new buyer/builder relationship!

Yet, COE is just the beginning of a new relationship between the buyer and seller.  Many builders establish a  CRM process for homeowners (as differentiated from homebuyers) based on COE. Typically, this includes a welcome-to-your-new home gift, a "how did we do" buyer satisfaction survey and the ever-critical start of the referral process.

A critical component of the post-closing relationship is the home warranty process.  Part of the home builder's CRM system can include a post-closing Warranty Introduction email as well as notifications for critical time periods (such as 90-day and 11-month reminders).  Keeping in "positive touch" with homebuyers is a key part of a good CRM process -- and makes the warranty process understandable for the homebuyer.

There's no doubt homeowners will report post-closing construction issues -- large and small.  Jennifer Goodman, in a recent BuilderOnline article, Top Five Most Troublesome Callbacks, notes reducing call backs can save money and boost a builder's reputation. Managing those post-closing repairs, then, should be an important part of every home builder's construction management process.

Warranty software not only records homeowner issues and generates work orders to subcontractors, it contains the information to allow home builders to find out their own Top Five -- and more.  Do you know your most frequently reported problems?  Do you know what caused the problem?  Defective materials, poor construction, Act of God, wrong product?  There are many possibilities behind the homeowner reported "Bad front door lock!" -- and being able to drill down to the details is critical to improving your processes.  Which subcontractor has the most problems, is the quickest to repair?

Effective software, data mining, CRM, warranty management -- CPS can help you keep it positive! Give us a call or take a look at

ps: The Top 5? According to Goodman: leaky decks, crumbling stucco, water-logged windows, rotting roofs, peeling paint on doors.

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