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Monday, January 2, 2012

Content is King or...Building Your Competitive Advantage

The January edition of Entrepreneur Magazine has an interesting article by Ann Handley talking about the value of website content.  It suggests that customers will find you via search but..they do business with you because of your content.
Content..taking a visitor from lead to buyer


That concept suggests that content is more than a pretty face.  Content can take your visitor from lead tthrough the entire buying cycle.  Key: attracting and educating your website visitor initially and serving as an information resource during and after the purchase decision.

CPS likes to use case studies -- we find the adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" to be more than an old wives' tale.  Entrepreneur suggests expanding the case study concept to help overcome objections early in the buying cycle.  Great idea for the first business day of the year!

How might you put that thought into action?

Many of our SalesTouch clients suggest their interactive touchscreen system purchase was made easier when they found out the same presentation can be incorporated into their website.  Share content; share costs.  Invite your prospect into the sales center and then provide more detailed information in person.  That's how to effective build trust with your prospects. And, we need to talk more about that as a competitive advantage!

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