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Thursday, July 14, 2011

68% of Millennials Ask Friends Before Choosing a Restaurant

And, what you might ask, does that stat have to do with CPS, software or just about anything other than a sociology study?

Creatively describing what's in the neighborhood!

Plenty, according to Matt Carmichael and E.J. Schultz in an AdAge article published on June 29, 2011.  These shoppers have shopping and buying habits that differ from those of the "boomer" generation.  Asked to identify key shopping criteria, millenials significantly favored locations identified as providing online ordering systems, creative ideas and/or recipes, enjoyable shopping experiences and functioning as a good corporate citizen.

And, they use technology to gather opinions -- as well as provide direction, suggestions and recommendations.

An AdAge reader, George Lamountain, commented by mentioning that a 20010 McKinsey & Company study suggested: personal recommendations were the only form of communications that influenced consumers at all three stages of the decision-making process: evaluation, consideration and purchase. appears that millennials place even more importance on recommendations.

How does your sales/marketing program harness this information?  We talk about the value of an interactive touchscreen presentation as it engages shoppers, encourages interaction and provides information in a creative, consumer-friendly manner.  As Lamountain notes, generating conversations is hard work, but for those willing to invest the time and energy, it can reap tremendous rewards...and recommendations. 

How about garnering recommendations at the Point of Sale?  Incorporating Facebook, Twitter and other social media at your location (whether bricks & mortar or online) are ways to encourage recommendations..what else do you suggest or use?

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