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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Storytelling Helps You Facilitate Customer Engagement

Did you happen to see Simon Fraser's post in Retail Customer Experience entitled, 7 Keys to Customer Experience Happiness?  Fraser suggests business customer experience efforts should never just be an initiative or a fad.

Social Media Wall: Encouraging storytelling!
Customer experience efforts, in other words, need to be communicated as part of the overall business vision -- and delivered consistently.

And, business goals, Fraser offers, are enhanced when there's a focus on creating great stories.

Members of your organization -- and your clients -- get a positive experience as a result of building memories.  Who doesn't remember experiencing "that feeling" when hearing a great customer experience story?

Have you considered how you are telling your stories?  Are they static stories on the wall or in a brochure -- or are you encouraging your customers to take information, add their experiences and start creating their own narrative around your brand?

Take a look at CPS Social Media Wall: it starts with your vision -- copy and images -- and adds in stories using social media content.  Stories emerge from your vision, yet are dynamic and ever-changing as customers start adding their own.

Every business and person has stories to tell -- and all of us get pleasure from hearing and seeing them! Ask how how Social Media Wall can facilitate the customer engagement for you!

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