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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Does automated line management make the line move faster??

We've talked about lines before: no one likes them and... they're all around us!

Businesses take lines seriously. They have to: no one wants grumpy customers annoyed about waiting and sometimes abandoning the purchase, entirely, because of a line.

Waiting isn't as bad -- there's Friday's Brews & Bites!
That's where queuing management comes into play -- and it isn't just about shortening the line.  Queue theory, a 100-year old field of study, has transitioned from the purely mathematical to more of a psychological analysis of lines and their impact.

Automated line management systems are available to make the wait process more efficient.  Typically, an effective system can provide a 15-35% improvement from end-to-end.  Everyone likes the idea of less time in line but ... reducing a 3 1/2 minute wait by 25 seconds doesn't always register as a significant improvement to the average consumer.  It's still a wait.

Just as important -- it not more so -- is perceived wait time. There can be up to a 40% decrease in perceived wait time with a good automated line system keeping customers both occupied and distracted by marketing and informational messaging.  It's play-off season; who wouldn't mind waiting when they knew they'd see the latest game score? Or, learning about Friday night's free wine tasting!

What's your business doing to keep your lines moving -- and your customers happy?  Take a look at CPS' QuikLine solution!

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